“Enforced Reconciliation without Justice: The Absence of Procedural, Retributive, and Restorative Justice in the “Comfort Women” Agreement of 2015” by Jahyn Chun. - 2021
Analysis of the failure of the 2015 Comfort Women agreement.
“Japanese Military Sexual Slavery on Trial: Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal in Tokyo in 2000” by Michiko Nakahara. - 2015Japanese Military Sexual Slavery as a war crime and the WIWCT in Tokyo.
“Moral Injury in Literature” Joshua Pederson - 2020The article introduces the category of moral injury in literature.
“Narratives Without Guilt: The Self- Perception of Japanese Perpetrators.” by Frank Jacob. - 2019Analysis of self-perception of Japanese perpetrators in Japanese POW camps.
“Playing Memories? Digital Games as Memory Media” by Tabea Widmann - 2020Blog looking at Holocaust Memory and witnessing in video games.
“Reframing the ‘Comfort Women Issue: New Representations of an Old War Crime’” by Margaret D. Stetz. - 2019Art counteracts inadequate representations of Japanese Military Sexual Slavery.
“The Contours and Controversies of Perpetrator Trauma” by Saira Mohamed - 2020Book chapter on perpetrator trauma and controversies around its scholarly field
“The Holocaust in the 21st Century: Digital Anxiety, transnational cosmopolitanism, and never again genocide without memory.” by Wulf Kansteiner - 2017Chapter situating video games in digital Holocaust memory.
“The Light in the Darkness” by Voices of the Forgotten - 2023Video game of a Jewish family living in Paris during the Holocaust.
“The Question of the Perpetrator in Soviet History” Lynne Viola - 2017The article explores the question of the perpetrator in Stalin’s Soviet Union.