Both, Norbert. From Indifference to Entrapment: The Netherlands and the Yugoslav Crisis, 1990-1995. - 2000
Monograph discussing the developing role of the Netherlands in the Bosnian war.
Brauer, Jualiane. How Can Music be Torturous? - 2016An analysis of the Nazis’ use of music as a torture weapon
Brown, Sara E. “Female Perpetrators of the Rwandan Genocide” - 2013Article on female perpetrators in the Rwandan Genocide
Browning, Christopher R. “Perpetrator Testimony” in Collected Memories - 2003Explores the relevance of perpetrator testimony in Holocaust history writing.
Browning, Christopher. Ordinary Men - 1992Famous study of the role of obedience and peer pressure in the Holocaust
Card, Claudia. Confronting Evils: Terrorism, Torture, Genocide - 2010Philosophical work on the concept of evil and collective violence.
Christian Schwochow, dir. Heute ist nicht alle Tage – Die Täter - 2016TV-movie about the radicalization of Zschäpe, Mundlos and Böhnhardt
Clendinnen, Inga. Reading the Holocaust - 2002Argues for exploring the Holocaust from victims' and perpetrators' perspective
Cohen, Dara Kay. “Female Combatants and the Perpetration of Violence: Wartime Rape in the Sierra Leone Civil War” - 2013Why women participate in wartime rape
Cusick, Susanne. “‘You are in a Place That is Out of the World…’ Music in the Detention Camps of the ‘Global War on Terror’” - 2008An overview of how the United States has weaponized music in detention camps