Cusick, Suzanne G. Towards an acoustemology of detention in the ‘global war on terror’ - 2013
A multidimensional analysis of acoustic violence at detention sites
Daldry, Stephen, dir. The Reader - 2008Film based on the novel "The Reader" by Bernard Schlink
Damsma, Josje. “Los van nieuw fout en grijs” - 2011Essay on Dutch historical research on Holocaust
Danticat, Edwidge. The Dew Breaker – 2004. - 2014Novel about an exiled Haitian torturer from the Duvalier regime.
Darkness at Noon, Arthur Koestler - 1940The novel portrays the arrest of a Bolshevik revolutionary in Stalinist Russia
Darley, John M., Latané, Bibb. “Bystander Intervention in Emergencies: Diffusion of Responsibility” - 1968Classic psychological experiment, Darley & Latané theorize the bystander effect
De Oost (The East) directed by Jim Taihattu - 2020Film about a Dutch soldier during the Indonesian war of independence
Deary, Melissa. Making Sense of Evil - 2014Evil as a discursive construct in relation to criminology.
Dorfman, Ariel. “Death and the Maiden” - 1991Play blurring the lines between victim, perpetrator, and bystander.
Duguay, Christian, dir. Hitler: The Rise of Evil - 2003Three-hour mini-series depicting Hitler’s youth and rise to power.