Fulbrook, Mary. “Guilt and Shame among Communities of Experience, Connection and Identification” - 2016
Book chapter on guilt and shame in post-war Germany
Gansel, Dennis, dir. Die Welle - 2008High school experiment dealing with autocracy gets out of hand.
Gendered Genocide: New Cambodian Cinema and the Case of Forced Marriage and Rape - 2020Post-Khmer Rouge New Cambodian Cinema dealing with forced marriage and rape.
Giesen, Bernhard. “The Trauma of Perpetrators.” - 2016Explores effects of collective perpetrator trauma on (German) national identity.
Gobodo-Madikizela, Pumla. A Human Being Died that Night - 2003Interviews with Eugene De Kock; reflections on forgiveness
Goldberg, Zachary J. “A Relational Approach to Evil Action: Vulnerability and Its Exploitation.” – 2019 - 2019Article discussing different philosophical theories of evil action.
Gölz, Peter. HaHa Hitler! Coming to Terms with Dani Levy. - 2012Article on the success or failure of Dani Levy's film Mein Führer
Gordon, Peter E. “The Authoritarian Personality Revisited: Reading Adorno in the Age of Trump” - 2017Article on Adorno, the authoritarian personality, and Trumpism
Grant, Morag Josephine. “Pathways to Music Torture” - 2014Article on the relationship between music and torture
Guez, Olivier. La disparition de Josef Mengele – 2017 - 2017Historical novel about Josef Mengele’s postwar life in Latin America